
How I Practice

A Better Approach to Medicine

My goal is deep healing. This happens through uncovering the root cause of disease.

When you contact me for an appointment, you and I will work together to uncover layers of truth. Symptoms or questions are scrutinized through many lenses. Nothing is too insignificant: family genetics, intrauterine exposures, your birth, upbringing, food, medical history, medications, fears and aspirations and present symptoms could be discussed.  We uncover the fantastic in your life that affords resilience and that which is a liability that could contribute to disease.

We look to what type of symptoms you bring and when they started, or we can look to susceptibilities based on your past and work to uncover and heal or uncover to prevent signs of concern.

Functional Medicine can understand symptoms by tracing fundamental processes across seemingly unrelated parts of the body. Treatments are offered that change the fundamental problem, leading to healing. For example, autoimmune processes are not just about the immune system.  Any autoimmune problem can be immediately tied to gastrointestinal health and treatments are then aimed to heal both the immune system and the gastrointestinal system.

Functional Medicine understands physical pain and suffering can be from physical, emotional, mental and spiritual causes. We want healing and know that healing of any of these will bring us closer to health.

The type of medicine I practice sees life as a series of choices. There is nothing that is set and unchanging for any of us at any time. Open to the possibilities and experience root cause healing with me.

What is Functional Medicine?

Functional Medicine subspecialists treat symptoms that are not going away after visiting your Primary Care Provider.

Functional medicine promotes wellness by addressing the entire person.

I would spend more time getting to know your individual history, interaction between environment, lifestyle and genetic factors that are underlying disease.

I would consider:

  • Environmental inputs
  • Mind-body connections
  • Genetic makeup

By understanding these influences we can look to bodily processes including:

  • How your body rids itself of toxins
  • Regulation of hormones
  • Immune system function
  • Inflammatory responses
  • Digestion and absorption of nutrients and the health of the digestive tract
  • Structural integrity
  • Psychological and spiritual balance
  • How you produce energy

Functional Medicine is a comprehensive approach to treatment by looking to correct imbalances in these systems and making you a partner to actively understand your health using expanded tools, expanded treatments with a combination of nutritional supplements, drugs, therapeutic diets and detoxification programs. We also work to balance lifestyle, exercise and stress-management.

All this starts with where you are and what you want to accomplish given your individual needs!

Suzanne Holbrook, MD

Let me introduce myself, I am Suzanne Holbrook, MD,  Dr. Suzy to many.

I love to practice medicine. It is so much fun working with people. I am honored with this work.

I graduated from the University of Utah School of Medicine and then completed my pediatric internship and residency in Los Angeles at Harbor-UCLA.

Exploration of various philosophies of medical practice is fundamental to who I am. I sincerely consider pushing my own boundaries and my understanding of healing as my core mission. Other types of medicine that I have learned and that I have healed through include Craniosacral Therapy, herbalism, and Functional Medicine.

I practice both pediatric medicine and as of 2022, Functional Medicine for both adults and children. I am a certified practitioner  through the Institute for Functional Medicine. Through the study of this holistic approach, I see a paradigm shift that uses scientific principles to treat root cause of illness.  This approach satisfies in me the need to get to the core cause of illness without many of the side effects of traditional Western Medicine treatments.

Thanks for your support.



(I accept most insurances, but do not accept Medicaid or Medicare)

Or we have a Fee-for Service pricing policy, payment in full is due at the time of your visit.

Payment for Functional labs is expected at the time of lab discussion and sample collection. The Functional labs may or may not be covered by your insurance. For greatly decreased cost, payment without submission for insurance coverage is available.


Comprehensive Consultation – $380/90 min.

If billing insurance, this consultation will be two 45 min sessions.


Comprehensive Follow Up Consultation – $200 /31-45 min.

Extended Follow Up Consultation – $250/46-60 min. Follow Up Consultation – $150 up to 30 min.